Dream House Diary

To be, do or have something; first, you must dream.

Capturing Ideas, Creating Dreams.

How It Started

Dream House Diary is a virtual vision board for dreamy homes across the USA. I have been creating favorites lists on listing sites like Realtor.com, Trulia and Zillow to fine tune what my dream house looks like, hoping that one day, I’ll come across it and just know.

In my day job, I am blessed to have a career that not only significantly helps people but also allows me to research and put into practice mindset techniques for life improvement. I have learned through practice and experience that manifestation is a real thing and it works. This may seem an odd statement for a real estate YouTube channel, but we are all manifesting all the time, and I mean all the time. Unfortunately, by focusing on the things we don’t want, even when trying to correct them, just brings more of the same.

Vision boards are great for keeping your desires at the top of your mind. Looking at real estate listings, even if you’re not quite ready to buy, works the same way. It creates a feeling of possibility and that’s the first step to getting what you want.

I hope you’ll subscribe, that way you’ll be notified when a new video is posted! This will help you get in the habit of dreaming big!

xo Bobbi

Dream Big

You have to have a dream to make a dream come true. Decide what you want, don’t worry about how you’ll receive it.

Get Specific

When making your list, vision board or dream journal, get specific. Place, style, color, neighborhood. The more detail the better.

Visualize Yourself Already There

If you’ve never heard of Neville Goddard, look him up. The key to achieving things is to picture yourself the day after you get it. What do you see?

Don’t be afraid to want your own home.

Manifestation involves setting a clear goal and firmly believing in your ability to achieve it. For instance, if you desire a new home, job, or a healthier lifestyle, manifestation is the practice of concentrating your thoughts, emotions, and actions on that goal as though it is already in your possession. You visualize your desires, maintain a positive outlook, and actively work towards them, trusting that they will manifest in your life. It’s a blend of positive thinking, self-assurance, and hard work that can transform your aspirations into reality.

The concept of manifesting is valid in that it promotes positive thinking, setting objectives, and proactive behavior, all of which can contribute to realizing one’s ambitions. The principle is that by focusing on your desires, picturing them, and having faith in their realization, you synchronize your thoughts and actions with your objectives, thereby increasing the likelihood of their fulfillment.

While some individuals believe in the universe or a higher power’s role in delivering their wishes, others regard manifestation as a psychological instrument that keeps them driven and concentrated.

Ultimately, manifesting serves as a method to direct your mindset and efforts towards the attainment of your goals, regardless of the presence of any mystical forces. It merges the strength of intention, optimism, and tangible action, which can collectively yield significant outcomes in your life.

The perfect place to call home. What does it feel like for you?

“I’ve been using a super simple manifestation technique for over 20 years, even before I knew it had a name. I’ve brought big things and small things into my life and, oh boy, it’s fun! I’m now feeling drawn to manifest a home for myself. I’m not sure where yet, or even when, but those are the first two things you put out of your mind as you start this journey. Follow along with me as I use YouTube as a kind of virtual vision board to help me find my spot!”


Owner of Dream House Diary

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